Wednesday, 13 January 2016

A New Year's Resolution

 Happy New Year! Did you make a New Year's Resolution?

Well, I did. For 2016, I resolved to clean my room and maintain it better throughout the year. This is a common teenage problem, of course, but I decided that for this year, I will at least try to be more organized! 

I dusted, I vacuumed, and I sorted. Finally, I decided that I could no longer ignore the building mess under my bed. I looked underneath, and I rediscovered my drawings and paintings from this past year. I realized I hadn't posted anything here for a while, so today I will share what I've been up to in 2015.

It's funny that I mention my New Year's Resolution - we're only thirteen days into 2016 and my room has already reverted back to its original state...

Prairie Warbler in coloured pencil.

Roseate Spoonbill skeleton in graphite.
Bee Hummingbirds (a male and a female) in graphite. These are the smallest birds in the world!
Horned Grebe nest in watercolours. Pictured above is a mother and her chick.
Two Black-winged Stilts in a territorial dispute (a European shorebird species).

Hoatzin in coloured pencil.
A young Williamson's Sapsucker.
Hudsonian Godwit in flight. Done in watercolours.

Bird's nest in graphite.

Lesser Yellowlegs in flight.

A sketch of a dead Chestnut-sided Warbler that hit a window.... :(
A trio of Tree Swallows flying overhead. Done in watercolours.

More Tree Swallows!